How we can free ourselves from religion… from… even ‘science’.


Who are we? What are we? Where do we come from? What are we doing here? What is Creation? Purpose? Life? Death? Eternity? Meaning?

What if what governs us and the universe is not an external ‘Spirit’ or an unknown external ‘Force’ but a ‘Formula’? A knowable formula… with enough elements known to help us make sense of our existence. A Formula/Source/Mind enacting into matter/form/body a single present instant. No past. No future. Only a Now. 

At present, about these questions, religion and science enounce most of the answers. But are the answers given applicable? What if they were not? Religion and science are twins. They both teach that, eons ago, there was a “Day One”, a “First Day” of Creation. And behind that first day existed / still exists an Originator. For religion it is a “God”, for science it is an unknown “Force”. The “God/Force” is Cause, Creation the effect. Each and every form, ‘mind’, body, thought, is an ‘effect’ of that Cause.

Who is ‘God’?

First, we must review who was/is “God”. For this, we need to go back to the origin of the God story on earth. There is a “God” story. It has an origin. It has a root. It has a time. It has a place. And there are traces leading back to that “event”.  There are “Holy Books”, there are legends of gods travelling in the heavens above, there are megalithic edifices called “temples of the gods”. And these roots of divinities exists all over the earth. We need to know. We need to come to grip with what was this event. Without this understanding, we fumble, never certain, never sure. We exist in ‘absentia’. We are ‘vagrants’. We are homeless.

A few centuries past, people began to question the solidity of their beliefs. “God” was falling out of favor with the ‘scientific” intelligentsia. Too many inconsistencies. The “Spirit” was tossed out of the school books. The “unchangeable” creation appeared to “evolve”. The universe has become a question of “matter”. We live in a “materialistic”, measurable, observable, somewhat controllable “space”.  But as something cannot come out of nothing, some pre-creation “Force/Mind” got an explosive Big-Bang which got the “matter/space/time/continuum” ball rolling. 

Still the “Spirit” is stong.
We can almost see behind the “Big-Bang”.

After millennia of control over humanity, religion and science have mastered the skill of hiding the exit doors behind massive walls of indoctrination, dogmas, doctrines, fear… facts, proof, reason. Every inquiry, every question, every hole, every opening, every glimpse of enlightenment is quickly plugged… with words and with swords. Every second of the day, society “normalizes” in our body, mind, and soul an imaginary realm. What you are taught about nature, the world, and ourselves reflects this fictitious “empire of the unreal”.

They will ask: How, without a primary Creator, has the universe come into being, or exists today? And if no such Being/Force exists or has ever existed, then, who are we? what are we? what is the universe?  

They will say with great humility and intelligence: “No one can know for certain?”

(Those who don’t want to know… also don’t want you to know.) 

To open the freedom door that leads into this instant is not easy. But it can be accomplished. 

The key to opening the “reality” door is not a “who” or a “what… but a “when”. The singular and primary instant was not an instant in the past, but it is this very instant, the Now. When that understanding comes to a mind, answers begin to light up creation’s landscape.

The laws of human existence taught by “officialdom” are not the laws which the universe operates under, which we operate under.  All is to be reassess anew.  


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